
"Of course it's not my real name!" Rio laughed at Uzbecka as they broke open a pack of quick rations over the fire they had lit. It was fortunate, Rio mused, that the Mantas had enough storage for a few days supplies, including fire starters and a light bedroll.

"But you're not going to tell me?"

"Well, actually... no. But it's nothing personal. It's just more like a... stage name," Rio blushed.

"You're a musician?"

"Okay, yeah... I've got some secrets worth keeping. When we're not work for hire soldiers and air pirates, some of the Cloak members play some classical songs at a few of the places in the Pageant Town, on original instruments. We call ourselves 'The Reflux"... I play a thing called a guitar."

"That's... maybe you should have kept that secret," Uzbecka laughed, but she was finding it hard to stay angry at the air pirate. "Can you pass me that? Thank you, Rio."

"You're welcome, Uzi," Rio replied, handing her the last ration packet. "And you? Look, I'm not saying you're any good, because you're not, but you've flown a Manta before. How was that?"

"Well, I suppose I have secrets worth keeping too, then."

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